Polo | spotlight

200 Editions of La Polo!

The 200th milestone Edition of La Polo brings along nostalgia and a sense of achievement. We are reminded of the first steps we took with hesitation, but pride brimming in our hearts. Over the years, we grew, enjoying each moment, and inspired by the love received from polo veterans as well as contemporary players, and all those connected with the sport.

200 Editions of La Polo!

India is the birthplace of modern polo, and therefore it was only logical to have a homegrown magazine to acknowledge and celebrate the roots. As we and several other audiences of the sport observed, the  understanding and legacy of Polo was shared mostly by people hailing  from the upper echelons of the society, but the sport needs to be enjoyed by all. It was this desire to reach Polo to the widest community of sports lovers possible that La Polo came into being. 

La Polo entered the territory of Polo and Equestrian coverage in 2017. After a gruesome and highly rewarding journey,  here we are today, celebrating the 200th  edition of our digital magazine!

La Polo, over its 200 edition-runs, has focused on acknowledging the relentless work on and off the pitch, celebrating the continuing efforts of people from different facets of the sport, from prodigious players to meticulous stablekeepers. Each day,  La Polo is driven by the mission to bring forth the magic of one of the oldest team sports in the world, which, unlike any other, showcases the powerful bond between a player, his/her fellow team players and the equine partners, to as many people as possible. As a young magazine working in a niche category, we have faced our own unique challenges, but with the unyielding support of members of Indian polo’s tight-knit community, we’ve triumphantly surmounted all. Going forward, we yearn to work with the same dedication for our readers, who’ve been our steadfast cheerleaders through this unique and exciting journey. 


Ever since we shared that La Polo touched a milestone with the 200th Edition of the Newsletter, we received congratulatory messages that we are immensely thankful for.  A few of these:


Ranshay Purohit, Polo Player

Ranshay Purohit: The way La Polo has promoted the sport has been fantastic. It has done wonders for Polo. The recognition it has given to all members contributing to the sport is an aspect never seen before. Polo is definitely one of those sports that has continued to remain underrated, especially in regard to its reach among the people of India, or even the world for that matter. La Polo’s constant endeavor is surely helping to expand the reach of Polo.  As a Polo player, I'm very thankful and grateful to La Polo for its contribution and hard work to make the sport get even bigger!


Dino Dhankhar: For me, getting featured in the La Polo newsletter and magazine, time and again,  means a lot, as the way they showcase our talent and hard work is absolutely phenomenal. Because of this, we keep our spirits high and full of confidence, as we know this gives us great recognition and pushes us to get better in the sport each and every time. So, thanks a ton to La Polo.


Hurr Ali, Polo Player

Hurr Ali: La Polo has helped tremendously in expanding the reach of the sport across the country. It in a way introduces a greater number of people to the sport, which is important to ensure the sport’s longevity. The 

other important point of the magazine's presence has been its platform for the sport’s enthusiasts to find real-time information on La Polo’s social media pages. A welcome change!


Shamsheer Ali : I most fondly remember my first photoshoot-interview with La Polo that was featured in one of the newsletters. It gave me an opportunity to collect my thoughts about the sport. A cherished memory definitely! 

Dhruv Pal Godara: La Polo has come a long way from covering a clutch of niche tournaments to now covering almost all the tournaments played. The one particular characteristic that I'd point out would be that interviews with La Polo are always full of excitement and anticipation, given the out-of-the-box questions that you guys collate, so that's one stand out! 


Sidhhant Sharma, polo player

Siddhant Sharma:  I think I owe my life to this sport. I think the world cup interview was the first one that La Polo had taken, in 2017.  And now so many people are involved with Polo, thanks to La Polo, so really well done.

H.H. Maharaja Sawai Padmanabh Singh of Jaipur

H.H. Maharaja Sawai Padmanabh Singh of Jaipur: I think ever since La Polo got involved, you have really brought attention to the right causes. You have drawn attention to the grooms, to the horses, to the players. You have suddenly made everything very exciting. All our families can now follow Polo though your Instagram page. My grandmother often, and I hope that she hears this, she gets very annoyed on the days that you miss coverage due to some network issues. So I think you have really increased the involvement that people have with the sport and we are extremely grateful to you for that. 

In our first interview, I remember you guys had covered the World Cup, and for the first time we saw so many journalists, photographers or videographers suddenly involved in Polo. And I think what you did with the first magazine, putting us all on the cover, I think it was exceptional. 

Jaisel Singh Sujan: Given that La Polo has been a first-of-its-kind dedicated Polo magazine has definitely made it stand apart. It has provided a platform for Polo enthusiasts to come together. My prized memory of La Polo would be my interview with the then nascent magazine, talking about my comeback to the sport after a 17- year gap!





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