Beyond | Royals


Many years ago, a brave man disguised as a Franciscan monk, seized the fortress protecting the famous ‘Rock of Monaco’ and the port of Hercules. This brave man was Guelf Francois Grimaldi.

27 April 2017



any years ago, a brave man disguised as a Franciscan monk, seized the fortress protecting the famous ‘Rock of Monaco’ and the port of Hercules. This brave man was Guelf Francois Grimaldi. Around 700 years ago, in January 1927 the Grimaldi family took over a territory now called as the Grimaldi dynasty. This dynasty along the Mediterranean, that’s smaller than the central park of New York is now the principality of Monaco. The princely family is the only Italian family that is reigning till date and belongs to the aristocrat family of Genoa.

Among various speculation and foreign powers trying to dominate over, the territory has managed to keep its identity intact and remain to stay independent throughout the centuries. In 1793, the Grimaldi family was also once exiled from Monaco but returned in 1815 after the treaty of Paris.

Monaco has become an example of the smallest nation with political independence. Bequeathing lord’s and princess to the principality, the Grimaldi dynasty has some enticing pages in the history of Monaco. Some of the members that made their mark in the house of Grimaldi were -Rainier I, General Admiral of France; Honore II, the first Prince of Monaco at the origins of the most important treaties with France; Louis I, Ambassador to the Holy See under Louis XIV; Antoine I, grand patron of the arts; Charles III, founder of Monte-Carlo; Albert I, renowned as the father of oceanography; Louis II, the soldier Prince; and Rainier III, the builder Prince.

Monaco along with several other city-states(then) in the 12th century like Venice, Genoa and Amalfi were the centers of international trade and were free from bordering realms. Monaco, along with the Liechtenstein and Vatican City, are the states where the Monarch is active. Albert II is the currently reigning the principality of Monaco and came into power on 6 April 2005. He is the son of Prince Rainier III and American actress Grace Kelly. He is a part of the day to day politics and he exercises his authority according to the laws of the constitution. Any changes in the constitution are made only after the agreement of the current prince in power which has played an important role in shaping the sovereign state of Monaco.

Royal Family Of Grimaldi

Royal Family Of Grimaldi

Royal Family Of Grimaldi

Royal Family Of Grimaldi




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